Income Tax Expense

Berikut ini adalah pengertian “Income Tax Expense” yang terdapat dalam Akuntansi, dsb. Artinya dijelaskan secara umum yang terkadang maksudnya tidak terlalu terikat dengan topik utama yang bersangkutan (kecuali istilahnya memang khas pada bidang/subjek bisnis tertentu).


Arti Income Tax Expense Dalam Akuntansi
The cost of both federal and state income taxes paid and/or payable in the future as a result of a corporation’s earnings in the current period. In a multi-step formatted income statement or any other format that may be used, income tax expense is typically broken out as a separate category of expense to highlight a company’s income before income taxes and the amount of income taxes incurred by the company. Only corporations incur income taxes that would be reflected on a company’s income statement. Companies operating as proprietorships or partnerships do not pay income tax; however, their profits are subject to taxes to be paid for personally by the owners. Corporate owners (stockholders) are also taxed personally on company profits to the extent those profits are distributed as dividends. As a result, corporate profits paid as dividends face “double taxation.” See also LLC


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